Rancangan Aplikasi Rekam Medis pada Klinik Permata Bojong Gede
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to help clinic Permata Bojong Gede, especially in medical record activities. By using this medical record information system can generate the required medical reports more quickly and accurately. In developing this medical record information system, the authors used software Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 as the database management system. The methodology that used in developing this system is RUP methodology (Rational Unified Process). The phase in this methodology are Inception phase that authors conducted observations and interviews, Elaboration phase that authors make the architectural design of the system, Construction phase that authors made program coding to implement the system and the last one, transition phase that authors implemented the system such as installation in the health center.The medical record information system can facilitate the medical record process in clinic Permata Bojong Gede.
Keywords: Patient, Hospital, Medical Record, Aplication
Link Jurnal : http://speed.web.id/ejournal/index.php/Speed/article/view/350