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Region of Interest (ROI)

Region of Interest (ROI)
Dalam pengolahan citra, terkadang kita hanya menginginkan pengolahan hanya pada daerah/bagian tertentu dari citra. Daerah yang kita inginkan tersebut disebut dengan Region of Interest (ROI).
Proses untuk mendapatkan ROI salah satunya adalah dengan cara melakukan cropping pada suatu citra. Berikut ini merupakan contoh tampilan pemrograman GUI Matlab untuk meng-crop sebuah citra:
1. Citra Asli (Original Image)
2. Rectangle Crop
3. Square Crop
4. Circle Crop
5. Ellipse Crop
6. Polygon Crop

Adobe Flash Untuk Mendukung Pembelajaran




Abstract - Learning to use computer animation to allow students to learn in a dynamic and interactive. Many of the benefits derived from the use of computer media as a learning tool. Adobe Flash is a standard application program used to create animation vector and bitmap which is amazing for the purposes of making a web site that is interactive and dynamic. This application is implemented as a medium of learning. The message conveyed through the media, in the form of content or teaching materials that must be accepted by the students, by using one or a combination of several of their sensory organs. Even better, when all of the sensing devices owned able to receive the message content being delivered. This paper is a study piustaka and try to express that creativity is needed in this case the animation tools in the process of teaching belaar be more easily understood by students.

Keywords: adobe flash, learning.


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